import request from "superagent";
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
import packageJson from "../../package.json";
import Encryption from "./Encryption";
import HyperwalletVerificationDocument from "../models/HyperwalletVerificationDocument";
import HyperwalletVerificationDocumentReason from "../models/HyperwalletVerificationDocumentReason";
* The callback interface for api calls
* @typedef {function} api-callback
* @param {Object[]} [errors] - In case of an error an array with error objects otherwise undefined
* @param {string} [errors[].fieldName] - The field name (if error is caused by a particular field)
* @param {string} errors[].message - The error message
* @param {string} errors[].code - The error code
* @param {Object} data - The rest response body
* @param {Object} res - The raw superagent response object
* The Hyperwallet API Client
export default class ApiClient {
* Create a instance of the API client
* @param {string} username - The API username
* @param {string} password - The API password
* @param {string} server - The API server to connect to
* @param {string} encryptionData - The API encryption data
constructor(username, password, server, encryptionData) {
* The API username
* @type {string}
* @protected
this.username = username;
* The API password
* @type {string}
* @protected
this.password = password;
* The API server to connect to
* @type {string}
* @protected
this.server = server;
* The Node SDK Version number
* @type {string}
* @protected
this.version = packageJson.version;
* The flag shows if encryption is enabled
* @type {boolean}
* @protected
this.isEncrypted = false;
this.contextId = uuidv4();
if (encryptionData && encryptionData.clientPrivateKeySetPath && encryptionData.hyperwalletKeySetPath) {
this.isEncrypted = true;
this.clientPrivateKeySetPath = encryptionData.clientPrivateKeySetPath;
this.hyperwalletKeySetPath = encryptionData.hyperwalletKeySetPath;
this.encryption = new Encryption(this.clientPrivateKeySetPath, this.hyperwalletKeySetPath);
* Format response to documents model before passing to callback
* @param {Object} res - Response object
static formatResForCallback(res) {
const retRes = res;
if (res && res.body) {
const retBody = res.body;
const { documents } = retBody;
if (documents && documents.length > 0) {
const documentsArr = [];
documents.forEach((dVal) => {
const doc = dVal;
if (dVal.reasons && dVal.reasons.length > 0) {
const reasonsArr = [];
dVal.reasons.forEach((rVal) => {
reasonsArr.push(new HyperwalletVerificationDocumentReason(rVal));
doc.reasons = reasonsArr;
documentsArr.push(new HyperwalletVerificationDocument(doc));
retBody.documents = documentsArr;
retRes.body = retBody;
return retRes;
* Do a POST call to the Hyperwallet API server
* @param {string} partialUrl - The api endpoint to call (gets prefixed by `server` and `/rest/v4/`)
* @param {Object} data - The data to send to the server
* @param {Object} params - Query parameters to send in this call
* @param {api-callback} callback - The callback for this call
doPost(partialUrl, data, params, callback) {
let contentType = "application/json";
let accept = "application/json";
let requestDataPromise = new Promise(resolve => resolve(data));
if (this.isEncrypted) {
contentType = "application/jose+json";
accept = "application/jose+json";
requestDataPromise = this.encryption.encrypt(data);
requestDataPromise.then((requestData) => {
.auth(this.username, this.password)
.set("User-Agent", `Hyperwallet Node SDK v${this.version}`)
.set("x-sdk-version", this.version)
.set("x-sdk-type", "NodeJS")
.set("x-sdk-contextId", this.contextId)
.end(this.wrapCallback("POST", callback));
}).catch(() => callback([{ message: "Failed to encrypt body for POST request" }], undefined, undefined));
* Do a PUT call to the Hyperwallet API server to upload documents
* @param {string} partialUrl - The api endpoint to call (gets prefixed by `server` and `/rest/v4/`)
* @param {Object} data - The data to send to the server
* @param {api-callback} callback - The callback for this call
doPutMultipart(partialUrl, data, callback) {
let contentType = "multipart/form-data";
let accept = "application/json";
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const keys = Object.keys(data);
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
let requestDataPromise = new Promise(resolve => resolve(data));
if (this.isEncrypted) {
contentType = "multipart/form-data";
accept = "application/jose+json";
requestDataPromise = this.encryption.encrypt(data);
requestDataPromise.then(() => {
const req = request
.auth(this.username, this.password)
.set("User-Agent", `Hyperwallet Node SDK v${this.version}`)
.set("x-sdk-version", this.version)
.set("x-sdk-type", "NodeJS")
.set("x-sdk-contextId", this.contextId)
keys.forEach((key) => {
if (key === "data") {
req.field(key, JSON.stringify(data[key]));
} else {
req.attach(key, data[key]);
req.end(this.wrapCallback("PUT", callback));
}).catch(err => callback(err, undefined, undefined));
* Do a PUT call to the Hyperwallet API server
* @param {string} partialUrl - The api endpoint to call (gets prefixed by server and /rest/v4/)
* @param {Object} data - The data to send to the server
* @param {Object} params - Query parameters to send in this call
* @param {api-callback} callback - The callback for this call
doPut(partialUrl, data, params, callback) {
let contentType = "application/json";
let accept = "application/json";
let requestDataPromise = new Promise(resolve => resolve(data));
if (this.isEncrypted) {
contentType = "application/jose+json";
accept = "application/jose+json";
requestDataPromise = this.encryption.encrypt(data);
requestDataPromise.then((requestData) => {
.auth(this.username, this.password)
.set("User-Agent", `Hyperwallet Node SDK v${this.version}`)
.set("x-sdk-version", this.version)
.set("x-sdk-type", "NodeJS")
.set("x-sdk-contextId", this.contextId)
.end(this.wrapCallback("PUT", callback));
}).catch(() => callback([{ message: "Failed to encrypt body for PUT request" }], undefined, undefined));
* Do a GET call to the Hyperwallet API server
* @param {string} partialUrl - The api endpoint to call (gets prefixed by `server` and `/rest/v4/`)
* @param {Object} params - Query parameters to send in this call
* @param {api-callback} callback - The callback for this call
doGet(partialUrl, params, callback) {
let contentType = "application/json";
let accept = "application/json";
if (this.isEncrypted) {
contentType = "application/jose+json";
accept = "application/jose+json";
.auth(this.username, this.password)
.set("User-Agent", `Hyperwallet Node SDK v${this.version}`)
.set("x-sdk-version", this.version)
.set("x-sdk-type", "NodeJS")
.set("x-sdk-contextId", this.contextId)
.end(this.wrapCallback("GET", callback));
* Wrap a callback to process possible API and network errors
* @param {string} httpMethod - The http method that is currently processing
* @param {api-callback} callback - The final callback
* @returns {function(err: Object, res: Object)} - The super agent callback
* @private
wrapCallback(httpMethod, callback = () => null) {
return (err, res) => {
const contentTypeHeader = res && res.header ? res.header["content-type"] : undefined;
if (!err) {
const expectedContentType = (this.isEncrypted) ? "application/jose+json" : "application/json";
if (res && res.status !== 204 && contentTypeHeader && !contentTypeHeader.includes(expectedContentType)) {
message: "Invalid Content-Type specified in Response Header",
}], res ? res.body : undefined, res);
if (this.isEncrypted && contentTypeHeader && contentTypeHeader.includes("application/jose+json")
&& res.body && !ApiClient.isEmptyResponseBody(res.body)) {
this.processEncryptedResponse(httpMethod, err, res.body, callback);
} else {
this.processNonEncryptedResponse(err, res, callback);
* Process non encrypted response from server
* @param {Object} err - Error object
* @param {Object} res - Response object
* @param {api-callback} callback - The final callback
* @private
processNonEncryptedResponse(err, res, callback) {
if (!err) {
const formattedRes = ApiClient.formatResForCallback(res);
callback(undefined, formattedRes.body, formattedRes);
let errors = [
message: err.status ? err.message : `Could not communicate with ${this.server}`,
code: err.status ? err.status.toString() : "COMMUNICATION_ERROR",
if (res && res.body && res.body.errors) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
errors = res.body.errors;
callback(errors, res ? res.body : undefined, res);
* Process encrypted response from server
* @param {string} httpMethod - The http method that is currently processing
* @param {Object} err - Error object
* @param {Object} res - Response object
* @param {api-callback} callback - The final callback
* @private
processEncryptedResponse(httpMethod, err, res, callback) {
.then((decryptedData) => {
const responseBody = JSON.parse(decryptedData.payload.toString());
if (responseBody.errors) {
const responseWithErrors = {};
responseWithErrors.body = responseBody;
this.processNonEncryptedResponse(responseBody, responseWithErrors, callback);
} else {
const formattedRes = ApiClient.formatResForCallback({ body: responseBody });
callback(undefined, formattedRes.body, decryptedData);
.catch(() => callback([{ message: `Failed to decrypt response for ${httpMethod} request` }], res, res));
* Creates response body parser for application/jose+json content-type
* @private
static createJoseJsonParser() {
request.parse["application/jose+json"] = (res, callback) => {
let data = "";
res.on("data", (chunk) => {
data += chunk;
res.on("end", () => {
callback(null, data);
* Helper function to check if the response body is an empty object
* @private
static isEmptyResponseBody(body) {
return Object.keys(body).length === 0 && Object.getPrototypeOf(body) === Object.prototype;