import jose from "node-jose";
import fs from "fs";
import request from "superagent";
* The Hyperwallet Encryption processor
export default class Encryption {
* Create a instance of the Encryption service
* @param {string} clientPrivateKeySetLocation - String that can be a URL or path to file with client JWK set
* @param {string} hyperwalletKeySetLocation - String that can be a URL or path to file with hyperwallet JWK set
* @param {string} encryptionAlgorithm - JWE encryption algorithm, by default value = RSA-OAEP-256
* @param {string} signAlgorithm - JWS signature algorithm, by default value = RS256
* @param {string} encryptionMethod - JWE encryption method, by default value = A256CBC-HS512
* @param {string} jwsExpirationMinutes - Minutes when JWS signature is valid
constructor(clientPrivateKeySetLocation, hyperwalletKeySetLocation, encryptionAlgorithm = "RSA-OAEP-256",
signAlgorithm = "RS256", encryptionMethod = "A256CBC-HS512", jwsExpirationMinutes = 5) {
* String that can be a URL or path to file with client JWK set
* @type {string}
* @protected
this.clientPrivateKeySetLocation = clientPrivateKeySetLocation;
* String that can be a URL or path to file with hyperwallet JWK set
* @type {string}
* @protected
this.hyperwalletKeySetLocation = hyperwalletKeySetLocation;
* Client KeyStore object
* @type {string}
* @protected
this.clientKeyStore = null;
* Hyperwallet KeyStore object
* @type {string}
* @protected
this.hwKeyStore = null;
* JWE encryption algorithm, by default value = RSA-OAEP-256
* @type {string}
* @protected
this.encryptionAlgorithm = encryptionAlgorithm;
* JWS signature algorithm, by default value = RS256
* @type {string}
* @protected
this.signAlgorithm = signAlgorithm;
* JWE encryption method, by default value = A256CBC-HS512
* @type {string}
* @protected
this.encryptionMethod = encryptionMethod;
* Minutes when JWS signature is valid, by default value = 5
* @type {number}
* @protected
this.jwsExpirationMinutes = jwsExpirationMinutes;
* Makes an encrypted request : 1) signs the request body; 2) encrypts payload after signature
* @param {string} body - The request body to be encrypted
encrypt(body) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const keyStorePromise = (this.clientKeyStore && this.hwKeyStore) ? Promise.resolve(this.keyStore) : this.createKeyStore();
.then(() => this.signBody(body))
.then(signedBody => this.encryptBody(signedBody))
.then(result => resolve(result))
.catch(error => reject(error));
* Decrypts encrypted response : 1) decrypts the request body; 2) verifies the payload signature
* @param {string} body - The response body to be decrypted
decrypt(body) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const keyStorePromise = this.keyStore ? Promise.resolve(this.keyStore) : this.createKeyStore();
.then(() => this.decryptBody(body))
.then(decryptedBody => this.checkSignature(decryptedBody.plaintext))
.then(result => resolve(result))
.catch(error => reject(error));
* Verify if response body has a valid signature
* @param {string} body - The response body to be verified
checkSignature(body) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const key = this.hwKeyStore.all({ alg: this.signAlgorithm })[0];
if (!key) {
reject(new Error(`JWK set doesn't contain key with algorithm = ${this.signAlgorithm}`));
const options = {
handlers: {
exp: (jws) => {
if (Encryption.getCurrentTime() > jws.header.exp) {
reject(new Error("JWS signature has expired"));
jose.JWS.createVerify(key, options)
.then(result => resolve(result))
.catch(() => reject(new Error(`Failed to verify signature with key id = ${key.kid}`)));
* Decrypts the response body
* @param {string} body - The response body to be decrypted
decryptBody(body) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const key = this.clientKeyStore.all({ alg: this.encryptionAlgorithm })[0];
if (!key) {
reject(new Error(`JWK set doesn't contain key with algorithm = ${this.encryptionAlgorithm}`));
.then(result => resolve(result))
.catch(() => reject(new Error(`Failed to decrypt payload with key id = ${key.kid}`)));
* Encrypts the request body
* @param {string} body - The request body to be encrypted
encryptBody(body) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const key = this.hwKeyStore.all({ alg: this.encryptionAlgorithm })[0];
if (!key) {
reject(new Error(`JWK set doesn't contain key with algorithm = ${this.encryptionAlgorithm}`));
const encryptionHeader = {
format: "compact",
alg: key.alg,
enc: this.encryptionMethod,
kid: key.kid,
jose.JWE.createEncrypt(encryptionHeader, key)
.then(result => resolve(result))
.catch(() => reject(new Error(`Failed to encrypt payload with key id = ${key.kid}`)));
* Makes signature for request body
* @param {string} body - The request body to be signed
signBody(body) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const key = this.clientKeyStore.all({ alg: this.signAlgorithm })[0];
if (!key) {
reject(new Error(`JWK set doesn't contain key with algorithm = ${this.signAlgorithm}`));
const signHeader = {
format: "compact",
alg: key.alg,
fields: {
crit: ["exp"],
exp: this.getSignatureExpirationTime(),
kid: key.kid,
jose.JWS.createSign(signHeader, key)
.update(JSON.stringify(body), "utf8")
.then(result => resolve(result))
.catch(() => reject(new Error(`Failed to sign with key id = ${key.kid}`)));
* Calculates signature expiration time in seconds ( by default expiration time = 5 minutes )
getSignatureExpirationTime() {
const millisecondsInMinute = 60000;
const millisecondsInSecond = 1000;
const currentTime = new Date(new Date().getTime() + this.jwsExpirationMinutes * millisecondsInMinute).getTime();
return Math.round(currentTime / millisecondsInSecond);
* Get current time in seconds
static getCurrentTime() {
const millisecondsInSecond = 1000;
return Math.round(new Date().getTime() / millisecondsInSecond);
* Creates 2 JWK key stores : 1) for client keys 2) for hyperwallet keys
createKeyStore() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(jwkSet => this.createKeyStoreFromJwkSet(this.hyperwalletKeySetLocation, jwkSet))
.then(() => Encryption.readKeySet(this.clientPrivateKeySetLocation))
.then(jwkSet => this.createKeyStoreFromJwkSet(this.clientPrivateKeySetLocation, jwkSet))
.then(result => resolve(result))
.catch(error => reject(error));
* Converts JWK set in JSON format to JOSE key store format
* @param {string} jwkSetPath - The location of JWK set (can be URL string or path to file)
* @param {string} jwkSet - The JSON representation of JWK set, to be converted to keystore
createKeyStoreFromJwkSet(jwkSetPath, jwkSet) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((result) => {
if (jwkSetPath === this.clientPrivateKeySetLocation) {
this.clientKeyStore = result;
} else {
this.hwKeyStore = result;
.catch(() => reject(new Error("Failed to create keyStore from given jwkSet")));
* Reads JWK set in JSON format either from given URL or path to local file
* @param {string} keySetPath - The location of JWK set (can be URL string or path to file)
static readKeySet(keySetPath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (fs.existsSync(keySetPath)) {
fs.readFile(keySetPath, { encoding: "utf-8" }, (err, keySetData) => {
if (!err) {
} else {
reject(new Error(err));
} else {
Encryption.checkUrlIsValid(keySetPath, (isValid) => {
if (isValid) {
request(keySetPath, (error, response) => {
if (!error) {
const responseBody = response.body && Object.keys(response.body).length !== 0 ? response.body : response.text;
} else {
reject(new Error(`Wrong JWK set location path = ${keySetPath}`));
* Checks if an input string is a valid URL
* @param {string} url - The URL string to be verified
* @param {string} callback - The callback method to process the verification result of input url
static checkUrlIsValid(url, callback) {
request(url, (error, response) => {
callback(!error && response.statusCode === 200);
* Convert encrypted string to array of Buffer
* @param {string} encryptedBody - Encrypted body to be decoded
static base64Decode(encryptedBody) {
const parts = encryptedBody.split(".");
const decodedParts = [];
parts.forEach((elem) => {
const decodedBody = {}; = decodedParts;
return decodedBody;
* Convert array of Buffer to encrypted string
* @param {string} decodedBody - Array of Buffer to be decoded to encrypted string
static base64Encode(decodedBody) {
const encodedParts = []; => {
return encodedParts.join(".");