Hyperwallet |
Hyperwallet#constructor |
should initialize ApiClient with default server
Hyperwallet#constructor |
should set programToken to undefined if not provided
Hyperwallet#constructor |
should set programToken if provided
Hyperwallet#constructor |
should initialize ApiClient with provided server
Hyperwallet#constructor |
should throw error if username is missing
Hyperwallet#constructor |
should throw error if password is missing
Hyperwallet#constructor |
should throw error if username and password is missing
Hyperwallet#constructor |
- |
should not have any TLS issues
- |
Hyperwallet#formatResForCallback |
should return a formated response body, parse reasons
Hyperwallet#formatResForCallback |
should return a formated response body, parse documents
Hyperwallet#formatResForCallback |
should not modify response body with no documents
Hyperwallet#formatResForCallback |
Hyperwallet#createUser |
should do post call to users endpoint without programToken added
Hyperwallet#createUser |
should do post call to users endpoint with programToken added
Hyperwallet#createUser |
Hyperwallet#getUser |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getUser |
should do get call if userToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getUser |
Hyperwallet#updateUser |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updateUser |
should do put call to users endpoint without programToken added
Hyperwallet#updateUser |
should do put call to users endpoint with programToken added
Hyperwallet#updateUser |
Hyperwallet#listUsers |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listUsers |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listUsers |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listUsers |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listUsers |
Hyperwallet#activateUser |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#activateUser |
should send transition to 'ACTIVATED'
Hyperwallet#activateUser |
Hyperwallet#deactivateUser |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#deactivateUser |
should send transition to 'DE_ACTIVATED'
Hyperwallet#deactivateUser |
Hyperwallet#lockUser |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#lockUser |
should send transition to 'LOCKED'
Hyperwallet#lockUser |
Hyperwallet#freezeUser |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#freezeUser |
should send transition to 'FROZEN'
Hyperwallet#freezeUser |
Hyperwallet#preactivateUser |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#preactivateUser |
should send transition to 'PRE_ACTIVATED'
Hyperwallet#preactivateUser |
Hyperwallet#createUserStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createUserStatusTransition |
should send post call to user status transition endpoint
Hyperwallet#createUserStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#getUserStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getUserStatusTransition |
should throw error if statusTransitionToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getUserStatusTransition |
should do get call if userToken and statusTransitionToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getUserStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#listUserStatusTransitions |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listUserStatusTransitions |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listUserStatusTransitions |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listUserStatusTransitions |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listUserStatusTransitions |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listUserStatusTransitions |
- |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#uploadDocuments |
should throw error if data is missing
Hyperwallet#uploadDocuments |
should do put call to upload multipart
Hyperwallet#uploadDocuments |
Hyperwallet#createBankCard |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createBankCard |
should do post call to bank cards endpoint
Hyperwallet#createBankCard |
Hyperwallet#getBankCard |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getBankCard |
should throw error if bankCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getBankCard |
should do get call if userToken and bankCardToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getBankCard |
Hyperwallet#updateBankCard |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updateBankCard |
should throw error if bankCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updateBankCard |
should do put call to bank cards endpoint
Hyperwallet#updateBankCard |
Hyperwallet#listBankCards |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBankCards |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listBankCards |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listBankCards |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listBankCards |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listBankCards |
Hyperwallet#deactivateBankCard |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#deactivateBankCard |
should throw error if bankCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#deactivateBankCard |
should send transition to 'DE_ACTIVATED'
Hyperwallet#deactivateBankCard |
Hyperwallet#createBankCardStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createBankCardStatusTransition |
should throw error if bankCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createBankCardStatusTransition |
should send post call to bank card status transition endpoint
Hyperwallet#createBankCardStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#getBankCardStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getBankCardStatusTransition |
should throw error if bankCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getBankCardStatusTransition |
should throw error if statusTransitionToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getBankCardStatusTransition |
should do get call if userToken, bankCardToken and statusTransitionToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getBankCardStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#listBankCardStatusTransitions |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBankCardStatusTransitions |
should throw error if bankCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBankCardStatusTransitions |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listBankCardStatusTransitions |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listBankCardStatusTransitions |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listBankCardStatusTransitions |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listBankCardStatusTransitions |
Hyperwallet#getAuthenticationToken |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getAuthenticationToken |
should do post call to authentication token endpoint
Hyperwallet#getAuthenticationToken |
Hyperwallet#createPaperCheck |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createPaperCheck |
should do post call to paper checks endpoint
Hyperwallet#createPaperCheck |
Hyperwallet#getPaperCheck |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPaperCheck |
should throw error if paperCheckToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPaperCheck |
should do get call if userToken and paperCheckToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getPaperCheck |
Hyperwallet#updatePaperCheck |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updatePaperCheck |
should throw error if paperCheckToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updatePaperCheck |
should do put call to paper checks endpoint
Hyperwallet#updatePaperCheck |
Hyperwallet#listPaperChecks |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listPaperChecks |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listPaperChecks |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listPaperChecks |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listPaperChecks |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listPaperChecks |
Hyperwallet#deactivatePaperCheck |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#deactivatePaperCheck |
should throw error if paperCheckToken is missing
Hyperwallet#deactivatePaperCheck |
should send transition to 'DE_ACTIVATED'
Hyperwallet#deactivatePaperCheck |
Hyperwallet#createPaperCheckStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createPaperCheckStatusTransition |
should throw error if paperCheckToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createPaperCheckStatusTransition |
should send post call to paper check status transition endpoint
Hyperwallet#createPaperCheckStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#getPaperCheckStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPaperCheckStatusTransition |
should throw error if paperCheckToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPaperCheckStatusTransition |
should throw error if statusTransitionToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPaperCheckStatusTransition |
should do get call if userToken, paperCheckToken and statusTransitionToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getPaperCheckStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#listPaperCheckStatusTransitions |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listPaperCheckStatusTransitions |
should throw error if paperCheckToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listPaperCheckStatusTransitions |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listPaperCheckStatusTransitions |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listPaperCheckStatusTransitions |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listPaperCheckStatusTransitions |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listPaperCheckStatusTransitions |
Hyperwallet#createTransfer |
should throw error if sourceToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createTransfer |
should throw error if destinationToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createTransfer |
should throw error if clientTransferId is missing
Hyperwallet#createTransfer |
should do post call to transfers endpoint
Hyperwallet#createTransfer |
Hyperwallet#getTransfer |
should throw error if transferToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getTransfer |
should do get call if transferToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getTransfer |
Hyperwallet#listTransfers |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listTransfers |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listTransfers |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listTransfers |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listTransfers |
Hyperwallet#createTransferStatusTransition |
should throw error if transferToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createTransferStatusTransition |
should send post call to transfer status transition endpoint
Hyperwallet#createTransferStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#createTransferRefund |
should throw error if transferToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createTransferRefund |
should throw error if clientRefundId is missing
Hyperwallet#createTransferRefund |
should do post call to transfer refunds endpoint
Hyperwallet#createTransferRefund |
Hyperwallet#getTransferRefund |
should throw error if transferToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getTransferRefund |
should throw error if transferRefundToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getTransferRefund |
should do get call if transferToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getTransferRefund |
Hyperwallet#listTransferRefunds |
should throw error if transferToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listTransferRefunds |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listTransferRefunds |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listTransferRefunds |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listTransferRefunds |
Hyperwallet#createPayPalAccount |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createPayPalAccount |
should throw error if transferMethodCountry is missing
Hyperwallet#createPayPalAccount |
should throw error if transferMethodCurrency is missing
Hyperwallet#createPayPalAccount |
should throw error if email is missing
Hyperwallet#createPayPalAccount |
should do post call to PayPal account endpoint
Hyperwallet#createPayPalAccount |
should do post call to PayPal account endpoint with accountId
Hyperwallet#createPayPalAccount |
Hyperwallet#getPayPalAccount |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPayPalAccount |
should throw error if payPalAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPayPalAccount |
should do get call if userToken and payPalAccountToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getPayPalAccount |
Hyperwallet#listPayPalAccounts |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listPayPalAccounts |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listPayPalAccounts |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listPayPalAccounts |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listPayPalAccounts |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listPayPalAccounts |
Hyperwallet#updatePayPalAccount |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updatePayPalAccount |
should throw error if payPalAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updatePayPalAccount |
should do put call to paypal account endpoint
Hyperwallet#updatePayPalAccount |
Hyperwallet#activatePayPalAccount |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#activatePayPalAccount |
should throw error if payPalAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#activatePayPalAccount |
should send transition to 'ACTIVATED'
Hyperwallet#activatePayPalAccount |
Hyperwallet#deactivatePayPalAccount |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#deactivatePayPalAccount |
should throw error if payPalAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#deactivatePayPalAccount |
should send transition to 'DE_ACTIVATED'
Hyperwallet#deactivatePayPalAccount |
Hyperwallet#createPayPalAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createPayPalAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if payPalAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createPayPalAccountStatusTransition |
should send post call to paypal account status transition endpoint
Hyperwallet#createPayPalAccountStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#getPayPalAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPayPalAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if payPalAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPayPalAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if statusTransitionToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPayPalAccountStatusTransition |
should do get call if userToken, payPalAccountToken and statusTransitionToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getPayPalAccountStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#listPayPalAccountStatusTransitions |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listPayPalAccountStatusTransitions |
should throw error if payPalAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listPayPalAccountStatusTransitions |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listPayPalAccountStatusTransitions |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listPayPalAccountStatusTransitions |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listPayPalAccountStatusTransitions |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listPayPalAccountStatusTransitions |
Hyperwallet#createPrepaidCard |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createPrepaidCard |
should do post call to prepaid cards endpoint
Hyperwallet#createPrepaidCard |
Hyperwallet#getPrepaidCard |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPrepaidCard |
should throw error if prepaidCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPrepaidCard |
should do get call if userToken and prepaidCardToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getPrepaidCard |
Hyperwallet#updatePrepaidCard |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updatePrepaidCard |
should throw error if prepaidCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updatePrepaidCard |
should do put call to prepaid cards endpoint
Hyperwallet#updatePrepaidCard |
Hyperwallet#listPrepaidCards |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listPrepaidCards |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listPrepaidCards |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listPrepaidCards |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listPrepaidCards |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listPrepaidCards |
test/Hyperwallet.spec.js |
- |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#unlockPrepaidCard |
should throw error if prepaidCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#unlockPrepaidCard |
test/Hyperwallet.spec.js |
Hyperwallet#unlockPrepaidCard |
Hyperwallet#createPrepaidCardStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createPrepaidCardStatusTransition |
should throw error if prepaidCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createPrepaidCardStatusTransition |
should send post call to prepaid card status transition endpoint
Hyperwallet#createPrepaidCardStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#getPrepaidCardStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPrepaidCardStatusTransition |
should throw error if prepaidCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPrepaidCardStatusTransition |
should throw error if statusTransitionToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPrepaidCardStatusTransition |
should do get call if userToken, prepaidCardToken and statusTransitionToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getPrepaidCardStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#listPrepaidCardStatusTransitions |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listPrepaidCardStatusTransitions |
should throw error if prepaidCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listPrepaidCardStatusTransitions |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listPrepaidCardStatusTransitions |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listPrepaidCardStatusTransitions |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listPrepaidCardStatusTransitions |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listPrepaidCardStatusTransitions |
Hyperwallet#createBankAccount |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createBankAccount |
should do post call to bank accounts endpoint
Hyperwallet#createBankAccount |
Hyperwallet#getBankAccount |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getBankAccount |
should throw error if bankAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getBankAccount |
should do get call if userToken and bankAccountToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getBankAccount |
Hyperwallet#updateBankAccount |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updateBankAccount |
should throw error if bankAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updateBankAccount |
should do put call to bank accounts endpoint
Hyperwallet#updateBankAccount |
Hyperwallet#listBankAccounts |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBankAccounts |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listBankAccounts |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listBankAccounts |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listBankAccounts |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listBankAccounts |
Hyperwallet#deactivateBankAccount |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#deactivateBankAccount |
should throw error if bankAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#deactivateBankAccount |
should send transition to 'DE_ACTIVATED'
Hyperwallet#deactivateBankAccount |
Hyperwallet#createBankAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createBankAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if bankAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createBankAccountStatusTransition |
should send post call to prepaid card status transition endpoint
Hyperwallet#createBankAccountStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#getBankAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getBankAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if bankAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getBankAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if statusTransitionToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getBankAccountStatusTransition |
should do get call if userToken, bankAccountToken and statusTransitionToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getBankAccountStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#listBankAccountStatusTransitions |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBankAccountStatusTransitions |
should throw error if bankAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBankAccountStatusTransitions |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listBankAccountStatusTransitions |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listBankAccountStatusTransitions |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listBankAccountStatusTransitions |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listBankAccountStatusTransitions |
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForUser |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForUser |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForUser |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForUser |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForUser |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForUser |
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForPrepaidCard |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForPrepaidCard |
should throw error if prepaidCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForPrepaidCard |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForPrepaidCard |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForPrepaidCard |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForPrepaidCard |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForPrepaidCard |
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForAccount |
should throw error if programToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForAccount |
should throw error if accountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForAccount |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForAccount |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForAccount |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForAccount |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listBalancesForAccount |
Hyperwallet#createPayment |
should do post call to payments endpoint without programToken added
Hyperwallet#createPayment |
should do post call to payments endpoint with programToken added
Hyperwallet#createPayment |
Hyperwallet#getPayment |
should throw error if paymentToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPayment |
should do get call if paymentToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getPayment |
Hyperwallet#listPayments |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listPayments |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listPayments |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listPayments |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listPayments |
Hyperwallet#createPaymentStatusTransition |
should throw error if paymentToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createPaymentStatusTransition |
should send post call to payment status transition endpoint
Hyperwallet#createPaymentStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#getPaymentStatusTransition |
should throw error if paymentToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPaymentStatusTransition |
should throw error if statusTransitionToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getPaymentStatusTransition |
should do get call if paymentToken and statusTransitionToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getPaymentStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#listPaymentStatusTransitions |
should throw error if paymentToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listPaymentStatusTransitions |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listPaymentStatusTransitions |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listPaymentStatusTransitions |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listPaymentStatusTransitions |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listPaymentStatusTransitions |
Hyperwallet#getProgram |
should throw error if programToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getProgram |
should do get call if programToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getProgram |
Hyperwallet#getProgramAccount |
should throw error if programToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getProgramAccount |
should throw error if accountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getProgramAccount |
should do get call if programToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getProgramAccount |
Hyperwallet#getTransferMethodConfiguration |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getTransferMethodConfiguration |
should throw error if country is missing
Hyperwallet#getTransferMethodConfiguration |
should throw error if currency is missing
Hyperwallet#getTransferMethodConfiguration |
should throw error if type is missing
Hyperwallet#getTransferMethodConfiguration |
should throw error if profileType is missing
Hyperwallet#getTransferMethodConfiguration |
should do get call if userToken, country, currency, type and profileType is provided
Hyperwallet#getTransferMethodConfiguration |
Hyperwallet#listTransferMethodConfigurations |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listTransferMethodConfigurations |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listTransferMethodConfigurations |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listTransferMethodConfigurations |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listTransferMethodConfigurations |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listTransferMethodConfigurations |
- |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createTransferMethod |
should throw error if cacheToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createTransferMethod |
should do post call with userToken and cacheToken
Hyperwallet#createTransferMethod |
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForProgramAccount |
should throw error if programToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForProgramAccount |
should throw error if accountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForProgramAccount |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForProgramAccount |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForProgramAccount |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForProgramAccount |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForProgramAccount |
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForUser |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForUser |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForUser |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForUser |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForUser |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForUser |
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForPrepaidCard |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForPrepaidCard |
should throw error if prepaidCardToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForPrepaidCard |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForPrepaidCard |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForPrepaidCard |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForPrepaidCard |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listReceiptsForPrepaidCard |
- |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listWebhookNotifications |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listWebhookNotifications |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listWebhookNotifications |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listWebhookNotifications |
- |
should throw error if webhookToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getWebhookNotification |
should do get call if webhookToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getWebhookNotification |
- |
should do nothing if no data is provided
- |
should do nothing if no programToken is set
- |
should do nothing if programToken is set in data
- |
should add programToken if no programToken is set in data
- |
- |
should return a 'function' with a argument
- |
should do nothing for errors
- |
should do nothing for non 204 responses
- |
should return empty list for 204 responses
- |
Hyperwallet#createVenmoAccount |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createVenmoAccount |
should throw error if transferMethodCountry is missing
Hyperwallet#createVenmoAccount |
should throw error if transferMethodCurrency is missing
Hyperwallet#createVenmoAccount |
should throw error if accountId is missing
Hyperwallet#createVenmoAccount |
should do post call to venmo account endpoint
Hyperwallet#createVenmoAccount |
Hyperwallet#getVenmoAccount |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getVenmoAccount |
should throw error if venmoAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getVenmoAccount |
should do get call if userToken and venmoAccountToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getVenmoAccount |
Hyperwallet#listVenmoAccounts |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listVenmoAccounts |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listVenmoAccounts |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listVenmoAccounts |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listVenmoAccounts |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listVenmoAccounts |
Hyperwallet#updateVenmoAccount |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updateVenmoAccount |
should throw error if venmoAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updateVenmoAccount |
should do put call to venmo accounts endpoint
Hyperwallet#updateVenmoAccount |
Hyperwallet#deactivateVenmoAccount |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#deactivateVenmoAccount |
should throw error if venmoAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#deactivateVenmoAccount |
should send transition to 'DE_ACTIVATED'
Hyperwallet#deactivateVenmoAccount |
Hyperwallet#createVenmoAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createVenmoAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if venmoAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createVenmoAccountStatusTransition |
should send post call to venmo account status transition endpoint
Hyperwallet#createVenmoAccountStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#getVenmoAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getVenmoAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if venmoAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getVenmoAccountStatusTransition |
should throw error if statusTransitionToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getVenmoAccountStatusTransition |
should do get call if userToken, venmoAccountToken and statusTransitionToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getVenmoAccountStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#listVenmoAccountStatusTransitions |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listVenmoAccountStatusTransitions |
should throw error if venmoAccountToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listVenmoAccountStatusTransitions |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listVenmoAccountStatusTransitions |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listVenmoAccountStatusTransitions |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listVenmoAccountStatusTransitions |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listVenmoAccountStatusTransitions |
Hyperwallet#createBusinessStakeholder |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createStakeholder |
should send post call to Stakeholder status transition endpoint
Hyperwallet#createStakeholder |
Hyperwallet#listBusinessStakeholders |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBusinessStakeholders |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listBusinessStakeholders |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listBusinessStakeholders |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listBusinessStakeholders |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listBusinessStakeholders |
Hyperwallet#updateBusinessStakeholder |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updateBusinessStakeholder |
should throw error if stakeholderToken is missing
Hyperwallet#updateBusinessStakeholder |
should do put call to Stakeholder endpoint
Hyperwallet#updateBusinessStakeholder |
Hyperwallet#deactivateBusinessStakeholder |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#deactivateBusinessStakeholder |
should throw error if stakeholderToken is missing
Hyperwallet#deactivateBusinessStakeholder |
should send transition to 'DE_ACTIVATED'
Hyperwallet#deactivateBusinessStakeholder |
Hyperwallet#activateBusinessStakeholder |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#activateBusinessStakeholder |
should throw error if stakeholderToken is missing
Hyperwallet#activateBusinessStakeholder |
should send transition to 'ACTIVATED'
Hyperwallet#activateBusinessStakeholder |
Hyperwallet#createBusinessStakeholderStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createBusinessStakeholderStatusTransition |
should throw error if stakeholderToken is missing
Hyperwallet#createBusinessStakeholderStatusTransition |
should send post call to StakeHolder status transition endpoint
Hyperwallet#createBusinessStakeholderStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#getBusinessStakeholderStatusTransition |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getBusinessStakeholderStatusTransition |
should throw error if stakeholderToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getBusinessStakeholderStatusTransition |
should throw error if statusTransitionToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getBusinessStakeholderStatusTransition |
should do get call if userToken, stakeholderToken and statusTransitionToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getBusinessStakeholderStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#listBusinessStakeholderStatusTransitions |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBusinessStakeholderStatusTransitions |
should throw error if stakeholderToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listBusinessStakeholderStatusTransitions |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listBusinessStakeholderStatusTransitions |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listBusinessStakeholderStatusTransitions |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listBusinessStakeholderStatusTransitions |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listBusinessStakeholderStatusTransitions |
- |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#uploadBusinessStakeholderDocuments |
should throw error if stakeholderToken is missing
Hyperwallet#uploadBusinessStakeholderDocuments |
should throw error if data is missing
Hyperwallet#uploadBusinessStakeholderDocuments |
should do put call to upload multipart
Hyperwallet#uploadBusinessStakeholderDocuments |
Hyperwallet#listTransferMethods |
should throw error if userToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listTransferMethods |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listTransferMethods |
should throw error for invalid filter
Hyperwallet#listTransferMethods |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listTransferMethods |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listTransferMethods |
Hyperwallet#getTransferStatusTransition |
should throw error if transferToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getTransferStatusTransition |
should throw error if statusTransitionToken is missing
Hyperwallet#getTransferStatusTransition |
should do get call if transferToken and statusTransitionToken is provided
Hyperwallet#getTransferStatusTransition |
Hyperwallet#listTransferStatusTransition |
should throw error if transferToken is missing
Hyperwallet#listTransferStatusTransition |
should do get call with options
Hyperwallet#listTransferStatusTransition |
should do get call without options
Hyperwallet#listTransferStatusTransition |
should handle 204 return
Hyperwallet#listTransferStatusTransition |
ApiClient |
ApiClient#constructor |
should set provided values as private members
ApiClient#constructor |
should set the version to package.json version
ApiClient#constructor |
ApiClient#doPost |
should return response if call was successful (with query parameters)
ApiClient#doPost |
should return response if call was successful (with query parameters) when content type contains charset
ApiClient#doPost |
should return response if call was successful (with query parameters) when content type contains charset ahead
ApiClient#doPost |
should return response if call was successful (without query parameters)
ApiClient#doPost |
should return response if call was successful (without query parameters) and response body is empty
ApiClient#doPost |
should return response if call was successful (without query parameters) and response body is empty no content type
ApiClient#doPost |
should return generic network error if no response was send by server
ApiClient#doPost |
should return error message if responses contains error
ApiClient#doPost |
should return error message from http status if empty error response
ApiClient#doPost |
should return error message if response in unexpected format
ApiClient#doPost |
should return error message if client using encryption and responses in application/json
ApiClient#doPost |
should return encrypted response if encrypted POST call was successful (without query parameters)
ApiClient#doPost |
should return encrypted response if encrypted POST call was successful when content type contains charset
ApiClient#doPost |
should not return error when encrypted response body is empty
ApiClient#doPost |
should return error when fail to encrypt POST request body
ApiClient#doPost |
ApiClient#doPut |
should return response if call was successful (with query parameters)
ApiClient#doPut |
should return response if call was successful (with query parameters) when content type contains charset
ApiClient#doPut |
should return response if call was successful (with query parameters) when content type contains charset ahead
ApiClient#doPut |
should return response if call was successful (without query parameters)
ApiClient#doPut |
should return response if call was successful (without query parameters) and response body is empty
ApiClient#doPut |
should return response if call was successful (without query parameters) and response body is empty no content-type
ApiClient#doPut |
should return generic network error if no response was send by server
ApiClient#doPut |
should return error message if responses contains error
ApiClient#doPut |
should return error message from http status if empty error response
ApiClient#doPut |
should return error message if responses in unexpected format
ApiClient#doPut |
should return error message if client using encryption and responses in application/json
ApiClient#doPut |
should return encrypted response if encrypted PUT call was successful (without query parameters)
ApiClient#doPut |
should return encrypted response if encrypted PUT call was successful when content type contains charset
ApiClient#doPut |
should not return error response if encrypted PUT call was successful and response body is empty
ApiClient#doPut |
should return error when fail to encrypt PUT request body
ApiClient#doPut |
should return error when fail to decrypt PUT response body
ApiClient#doPut |
should return error when server responses with error on encrypted PUT request
ApiClient#doPut |
ApiClient#doPutMultipart |
should return error response for call
ApiClient#doPutMultipart |
ApiClient#doGet |
should return response if call was successful (with query parameters)
ApiClient#doGet |
should return response if call was successful (with query parameters) and response body is empty
ApiClient#doGet |
should return response if call was successful (with query parameters) and response body is empty no content-type
ApiClient#doGet |
should return response if call was successful (with query parameters) when content type contains charset
ApiClient#doGet |
should return response if call was successful (with query parameters) when content type contains charset ahead
ApiClient#doGet |
should return response if call was successful (without query parameters)
ApiClient#doGet |
should return generic network error if no response was send by server
ApiClient#doGet |
should return error message if responses contains error
ApiClient#doGet |
should return error message from http status if empty error response
ApiClient#doGet |
should return error message if responses in unexpected format
ApiClient#doGet |
should return error message if client using encryption and responses in application/json
ApiClient#doGet |
should return encrypted response if encrypted GET call was successful (without query parameters)
ApiClient#doGet |
should return encrypted response if encrypted GET call was successful when content type contains charset
ApiClient#doGet |
should return response if call was successful (with query parameters and encryption) and response body is empty
ApiClient#doGet |
should return response if call was successful (with query parameters and encryption) and response body is empty no content-type
ApiClient#doGet |
- |
should return a 'function' without a argument
- |
should return a 'function' with a argument
- |
should be able to run without any arguments
- |
should call callback with 'body' and 'res' if no error happened
- |
should call callback with 'errors', 'body' and 'res' if 'body' contains errors
- |
should call callback with static error message as 'errors', 'body' and 'res' if 'body' contains no errors
- |
should call callback with 'body' and 'res' and application/jose+json Content-Type
- |
should call callback with static error message as 'errors', when Content-Type is wrong
- |
should call callback with no errors if Content-type is missing and response is noContent
- |
Encryption |
Encryption#constructor |
should set default values for encryption properties
Encryption#constructor |
should set encryption properties by constructor
Encryption#constructor |
Encryption#encrypt |
should successfully encrypt and decrypt text message
Encryption#encrypt |
should successfully decode and encode encrypted text message
Encryption#encrypt |
should throw exception when wrong jwk key set location is given
Encryption#encrypt |
should throw exception when wrong jwk key is set for encryption
Encryption#encrypt |
should throw exception when signing body with key algorithm that doesn't present in jwkset
Encryption#encrypt |
should throw exception when signing body with wrong jwk key
Encryption#encrypt |
should throw exception when jwk keyset file is invalid
Encryption#encrypt |
should throw exception when jwk keyset file location is wrong
Encryption#encrypt |
should successfully encrypt and decrypt text message with url keyset path
Encryption#encrypt |
should throw exception when not supported encryption algorithm is given
Encryption#encrypt |
Encryption#decrypt |
should fail decryption when wrong private key is used
Encryption#decrypt |
should fail decryption when sign algorithm is not found in keyset
Encryption#decrypt |
should fail decryption when algorithm is not found in jwkset
Encryption#decrypt |
should fail signature verification when wrong public key is used
Encryption#decrypt |
should throw exception when jws signature has expired
Encryption#decrypt |