
public final class Hyperwallet : NSObject

The Hyperwallet class is an iOS specific implementation of the Hyperwallet platform User APIs.

A single instance of the Hyperwallet class is maintained. Resetting the current instance by calling setup(_: HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider) is critical when switching between authenticated Users. Failure to do so will result in incorrect access and incorrect modifications to User data.

Authentication with the Hyperwallet platform is accomplished through the usage of JSON Web Tokens. At instantiation an HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider is set as a member variable to provide the Hyperwallet class with an authentication token upon request.

  • Returns the previously initialized instance of the Hyperwallet Core SDK interface object



    public static var shared: Hyperwallet { get }
  • Clears Hyperwallet instance.



    public static func clearInstance()
  • Creates a new instance of the Hyperwallet Core SDK interface object. If a previously created instance exists, it will be replaced.



    public static func setup(_ provider: HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider)



    a provider of Hyperwallet authentication tokens.

  • Retrieves a configuration if one exists - else using the authentication token from the provider, it tries to fetch the configuration object again and returns it else error



    public func getConfiguration(completion: @escaping (Configuration?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the HyperwalletUser for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler) or nil if none exists.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletUser?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletUser) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func getUser(completion: @escaping (HyperwalletUser?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Creates a HyperwalletBankAccount for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletBankAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletBankAccount) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func createBankAccount(account: HyperwalletBankAccount,
                                  completion: @escaping (HyperwalletBankAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the HyperwalletBankAccount to be created


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Creates a HyperwalletPaperCheck for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPaperCheck?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPaperCheck) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func createPaperCheck(
        account: HyperwalletPaperCheck,
        completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPaperCheck?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the HyperwalletPaperCheck to be created


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Creates a HyperwalletBankCard for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletBankCard?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletBankCard) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.

    @param bankCard @param listener



    public func createBankCard(account: HyperwalletBankCard,
                               completion: @escaping (HyperwalletBankCard?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the HyperwalletBankCard to be created


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Creates a HyperwalletPayPalAccount for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPayPalAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPayPalAccount) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func createPayPalAccount(account: HyperwalletPayPalAccount,
                                    completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPayPalAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the HyperwalletPayPalAccount to be created


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Creates a HyperwalletTransfer for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletTransfer?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletTransfer) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func createTransfer(transfer: HyperwalletTransfer,
                               completion: @escaping (HyperwalletTransfer?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the HyperwalletTransfer to be created


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Creates a HyperwalletVenmoAccount for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletVenmoAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletVenmoAccount) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func createVenmoAccount(account: HyperwalletVenmoAccount,
                                   completion: @escaping (HyperwalletVenmoAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the HyperwalletVenmoAccount to be created


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Deactivates the HyperwalletBankAccount linked to the transfer method token specified. The HyperwalletBankAccount being deactivated must belong to the User that is associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletStatusTransition?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletStatusTransition) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider` if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func deactivateBankAccount(transferMethodToken: String,
                                      notes: String? = nil,
                                      completion: @escaping (HyperwalletStatusTransition?,
                                                             HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the Hyperwallet specific unique identifier for the HyperwalletBankAccount being deactivated


    a note regarding the status change


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Deactivates the HyperwalletPaperCheck linked to the transfer method token specified. The HyperwalletPaperCheck being deactivated must belong to the User that is associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletStatusTransition?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletStatusTransition) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider` if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func deactivatePaperCheck(transferMethodToken: String,
                                     notes: String? = nil,
                                     completion: @escaping (HyperwalletStatusTransition?,
                                                             HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the Hyperwallet specific unique identifier for the HyperwalletPaperCheck being deactivated


    a note regarding the status change


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Deactivates the HyperwalletBankCard linked to the transfer method token specified. The HyperwalletBankCard being deactivated must belong to the User that is associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletStatusTransition?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletStatusTransition) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func deactivateBankCard(transferMethodToken: String,
                                   notes: String? = nil,
                                   completion: @escaping (HyperwalletStatusTransition?,
                                                          HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the Hyperwallet specific unique identifier for the HyperwalletBankCard being deactivated


    a note regarding the status change


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Deactivates the HyperwalletPayPalAccount linked to the transfer method token specified. The HyperwalletPayPalAccount being deactivated must belong to the User that is associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletStatusTransition?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletStatusTransition) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func deactivatePayPalAccount(transferMethodToken: String,
                                        notes: String? = nil,
                                        completion: @escaping (HyperwalletStatusTransition?,
                                                               HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the Hyperwallet specific unique identifier for the HyperwalletPayPalAccount being deactivated


    a note regarding the status change


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Deactivates the HyperwalletVenmoAccount linked to the transfer method token specified. The HyperwalletVenmoAccount being deactivated must belong to the User that is associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletStatusTransition?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletStatusTransition) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func deactivateVenmoAccount(transferMethodToken: String,
                                       notes: String? = nil,
                                       completion: @escaping (HyperwalletStatusTransition?,
                                                              HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the Hyperwallet specific unique identifier for the HyperwalletVenmoAccount being deactivated


    a note regarding the status change


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Schedules the HyperwalletTransfer linked to the transfer method token specified.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletStatusTransition?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletStatusTransition) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func scheduleTransfer(transferToken: String,
                                 notes: String? = nil,
                                 completion: @escaping (HyperwalletStatusTransition?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the Hyperwallet specific unique identifier for the HyperwalletTransfer being commited


    a note regarding the status change


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the HyperwalletBankAccount linked to the transfer method token specified, or nil if none exists.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletBankAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletBankAccount) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.



    public func getBankAccount(transferMethodToken: String,
                               completion: @escaping (HyperwalletBankAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the Hyperwallet specific unique identifier for the HyperwalletBankAccount being requested


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the HyperwalletPaperCheck linked to the transfer method token specified, or nil if none exists.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPaperCheck?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPaperCheck) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.



    public func getPaperCheck(
        transferMethodToken: String,
        completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPaperCheck?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the Hyperwallet specific unique identifier for the HyperwalletPaperCheck being requested


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the HyperwalletBankCard linked to the transfer method token specified, or nil if none exists.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletBankCard?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletBankCard) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func getBankCard(transferMethodToken: String,
                            completion: @escaping (HyperwalletBankCard?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the Hyperwallet specific unique identifier for the HyperwalletBankCard being requested


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the HyperwalletPayPalAccount linked to the transfer method token specified, or nil if none exists.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPayPalAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPayPalAccount) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.



    public func getPayPalAccount(transferMethodToken: String,
                                 completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPayPalAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the Hyperwallet specific unique identifier for the HyperwalletPayPalAccount being requested


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the HyperwalletPrepaidCard linked to the transfer method token specified, or nil if none exists.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPrepaidCard?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPrepaidCard) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func getPrepaidCard(transferMethodToken: String,
                               completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPrepaidCard?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the Hyperwallet specific unique identifier for the HyperwalletPrepaidCard being requested


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the HyperwalletTransfer linked to the transfer method token specified, or nil if none exists.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletTransfer?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletTransfer) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.



    public func getTransfer(transferToken: String,
                            completion: @escaping (HyperwalletTransfer?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the Hyperwallet specific unique identifier for the HyperwalletTransfer being requested


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the HyperwalletVenmoAccount linked to the transfer method token specified, or nil if none exists.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletVenmoAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletVenmoAccount) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.



    public func getVenmoAccount(transferMethodToken: String,
                                completion: @escaping (HyperwalletVenmoAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the Hyperwallet specific unique identifier for the HyperwalletVenmoAccount being requested


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the list of HyperwalletBankAccounts for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler), or nil if non exist.

    The ordering and filtering of HyperwalletBankAccounts will be based on the criteria specified within the HyperwalletBankAccountQueryParam object, if it is not nil. Otherwise the default ordering and filtering will be applied:

    • Offset: 0
    • Limit: 10
    • Created Before: N/A
    • Created After: N/A
    • Type: Bank Account
    • Status: All
    • Sort By: Created On

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletBankAccount>?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPageList?) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func listBankAccounts(queryParam: HyperwalletBankAccountQueryParam? = nil,
                                 completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletBankAccount>?,
        HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the ordering and filtering criteria


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the list of HyperwalletPaperChecks for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler), or nil if non exist.

    The ordering and filtering of HyperwalletPaperChecks will be based on the criteria specified within the HyperwalletPaperCheckQueryParam object, if it is not nil. Otherwise the default ordering and filtering will be applied:

    • Offset: 0
    • Limit: 10
    • Created Before: N/A
    • Created After: N/A
    • Type: Paper Check
    • Status: All
    • Sort By: Created On

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletPaperCheck>?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPageList?) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func listPaperChecks(queryParam: HyperwalletPaperCheckQueryParam? = nil,
                                completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletPaperCheck>?,
        HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the ordering and filtering criteria


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the HyperwalletBankCard for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler), or nil if non exist.

    The ordering and filtering of HyperwalletBankCard will be based on the criteria specified within the HyperwalletBankAccountQueryParam object, if it is not nil. Otherwise the default ordering and filtering will be applied.

    • Offset: 0
    • Limit: 10
    • Created Before: N/A
    • Created After: N/A
    • Type: Bank Card
    • Status: All
    • Sort By: Created On

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletBankCard>?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPageList?) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func listBankCards(queryParam: HyperwalletBankCardQueryParam? = nil,
                              completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletBankCard>?,
                                                     HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the ordering and filtering criteria


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the HyperwalletPayPalAccount for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler), or nil if non exist.

    The ordering and filtering of HyperwalletPayPalAccount will be based on the criteria specified within the HyperwalletPayPalAccountQueryParam object, if it is not nil. Otherwise the default ordering and filtering will be applied.

    • Offset: 0
    • Limit: 10
    • Created Before: N/A
    • Created After: N/A
    • Status: All
    • Sort By: Created On

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletPayPalAccount>?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPageList?) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func listPayPalAccounts(queryParam: HyperwalletPayPalAccountQueryParam? = nil,
                                   completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletPayPalAccount>?,
                                                          HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the ordering and filtering criteria


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the HyperwalletTransferMethod (Bank Account, Bank Card, PayPay Account, Prepaid Card, Paper Checks) for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler), or nil if non exist.

    The ordering and filtering of HyperwalletBankCard will be based on the criteria specified within the HyperwalletBankAccountQueryParam object, if it is not nil. Otherwise the default ordering and filtering will be applied.

    • Offset: 0
    • Limit: 10
    • Created Before: N/A
    • Created After: N/A
    • Type: All
    • Status: All
    • Sort By: Created On

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletTransferMethod>?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPageList?) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func listTransferMethods(queryParam: HyperwalletTransferMethodQueryParam? = nil,
                                    completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletTransferMethod>?,
        HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the ordering and filtering criteria


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the HyperwalletPrepaidCard for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler), or nil if non exist.

    The ordering and filtering of HyperwalletPrepaidCard will be based on the criteria specified within the HyperwalletPrepaidCardQueryParam object, if it is not nil. Otherwise the default ordering and filtering will be applied.

    • Offset: 0
    • Limit: 10
    • Created Before: N/A
    • Created After: N/A
    • Status: All
    • Sort By: Created On

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletPrepaidCard>?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPageList?) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func listPrepaidCards(queryParam: HyperwalletPrepaidCardQueryParam? = nil,
                                 completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletPrepaidCard>?,
        HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the ordering and filtering criteria


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the HyperwalletVenmoAccount for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler), or nil if non exist.

    The ordering and filtering of HyperwalletVenmoAccount will be based on the criteria specified within the HyperwalletVenmoQueryParam object, if it is not nil. Otherwise the default ordering and filtering will be applied.

    • Offset: 0
    • Limit: 10
    • Created Before: N/A
    • Created After: N/A
    • Status: All
    • Sort By: Created On

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletVenmoAccount>?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPageList?) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func listVenmoAccounts(queryParam: HyperwalletVenmoQueryParam? = nil,
                                  completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletVenmoAccount>?,
                                                         HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the ordering and filtering criteria


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the list of receipts for the User associated with the authentication token.

    The ordering and filtering of HyperwalletReceipt will be based on the criteria specified within the HyperwalletReceiptQueryParam object, if it is not nil. Otherwise the default ordering and filtering will be applied.

    • Offset: 0
    • Limit: 10
    • Created Before: N/A
    • Created After: N/A
    • Currency: All
    • Sort By: Created On

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletReceipt>?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPageList?) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func listUserReceipts(queryParam: HyperwalletReceiptQueryParam? = nil,
                                 completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletReceipt>?,
        HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the ordering and filtering criteria


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • The filtering of HyperwalletReceipt will be based on the criteria specified within the HyperwalletReceiptQueryParam object. CreatedAfter needs to be provided to get the receipts. Receipts are returned sorted in ascending order of creation date

    • Created Before: N/A
    • Created After: “Some Date”
    • Currency: All

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletReceipt>?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPageList?) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func listPrepaidCardReceipts(prepaidCardToken: String,
                                        queryParam: HyperwalletReceiptQueryParam? = nil,
                                        completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletReceipt>?,
        HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the ordering and filtering criteria


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the list of transfers for the User associated with the authentication token.

    The ordering and filtering of HyperwalletTransfer will be based on the criteria specified within the HyperwalletTransferQueryParam object, if it is not nil. Otherwise the default ordering and filtering will be applied.

    • Offset: 0
    • Limit: 10
    • Created Before: N/A
    • Created After: N/A
    • clientTransferId: N/A
    • destinationToken: N/A
    • sourceToken: N/A

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletTransfer>?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPageList?) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func listTransfers(queryParam: HyperwalletTransferQueryParam? = nil,
                              completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletTransfer>?,
        HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the ordering and filtering criteria


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the transfer method configuration field set for the User that is associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletTransferMethodConfigurationField?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletTransferMethodConfigurationField) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func retrieveTransferMethodConfigurationFields(
        request: HyperwalletTransferMethodConfigurationFieldQuery,
        completion: @escaping (HyperwalletTransferMethodConfigurationField?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    containing a transfer method configuration key tuple of country, currency, transfer method type and profile


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the transfer method update configuration fields set for the User that is associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletTransferMethodUpdateConfigurationField?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletTransferMethodUpdateConfigurationField) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func retrieveTransferMethodUpdateConfigurationFields(
        request: HyperwalletTransferMethodUpdateConfigurationFieldQuery,
        completion: @escaping (HyperwalletTransferMethodUpdateConfigurationField?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    GraphQL query containing transfer method token and required configuration fields


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the transfer method configuration key set for the User that is associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletTransferMethodConfigurationKey?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletTransferMethodConfigurationKey) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func retrieveTransferMethodConfigurationKeys(
        request: HyperwalletTransferMethodConfigurationKeysQuery,
        completion: @escaping (HyperwalletTransferMethodConfigurationKey?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    containing the transfer method configuration key query


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the transfer method types, processing times, and fees for the User that is associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletTransferMethodConfigurationKey?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletTransferMethodConfigurationKey) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func retrieveTransferMethodTypesFeesAndProcessingTimes(
        request: HyperwalletTransferMethodTypesFeesAndProcessingTimesQuery,
        completion: @escaping (HyperwalletTransferMethodConfigurationKey?,
                               HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    containing the transfer method configuration key query


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Updates the HyperwalletBankAccount for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    To identify the HyperwalletBankAccount that is going to be updated, the transfer method token must be set as part of the HyperwalletBankAccount object passed in.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletBankAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletBankAccount) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func updateBankAccount(account: HyperwalletBankAccount,
                                  completion: @escaping (HyperwalletBankAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)
  • Updates the HyperwalletPaperCheck for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    To identify the HyperwalletPaperCheck that is going to be updated, the transfer method token must be set as part of the HyperwalletPaperCheck object passed in.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPaperCheck?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPaperCheck) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func updatePaperCheck(
        account: HyperwalletPaperCheck,
        completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPaperCheck?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)
  • Updates the HyperwalletBankCard for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    To identify the HyperwalletBankCard that is going to be updated, the transfer method token must be set as part of the HyperwalletBankCard object passed in.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletBankCard?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletBankCard) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func updateBankCard(account: HyperwalletBankCard,
                               completion: @escaping (HyperwalletBankCard?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the HyperwalletBankCard to be updated


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Updates the HyperwalletPayPalAccount for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    To identify the HyperwalletPayPalAccount that is going to be updated, the transfer method token must be set as part of the HyperwalletPayPalAccount object passed in.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPayPalAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPayPalAccount) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func updatePayPalAccount(account: HyperwalletPayPalAccount,
                                    completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPayPalAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the HyperwalletPayPalAccount to be updated


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Updates the HyperwalletVenmoAccount for the User associated with the authentication token returned from HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider.retrieveAuthenticationToken(_ : @escaping CompletionHandler).

    To identify the HyperwalletVenmoAccount that is going to be updated, the transfer method token must be set as part of the HyperwalletVenmoAccount object passed in.

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletVenmoAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletVenmoAccount) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func updateVenmoAccount(account: HyperwalletVenmoAccount,
                                   completion: @escaping (HyperwalletVenmoAccount?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the HyperwalletVenmoAccount to be updated


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the list of balances for the User associated with the authentication token.

    The ordering and filtering of HyperwalletBalance will be based on the criteria specified within the HyperwalletBalanceQueryParam object, if it is not nil. Otherwise the default ordering and filtering will be applied.

    • Offset: 0
    • Limit: 10
    • Currency: All
    • Sort By: currency

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletBalance>?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPageList?) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func listUserBalances(queryParam: HyperwalletBalanceQueryParam? = nil,
                                 completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletBalance>?,
        HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the ordering and filtering criteria


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform

  • Returns the list of prepaid card balances for the User associated with the authentication token.

    The ordering and filtering of HyperwalletBalance will be based on the criteria specified within the HyperwalletPrepaidCardBalanceQueryParam object, if it is not nil. Otherwise the default ordering and filtering will be applied.

    • Offset: 0
    • Limit: 10
    • Sort By: currency

    The completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletBalance>?, HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void that is passed in to this method invocation will receive the successful response(HyperwalletPageList?) or error(HyperwalletErrorType) from processing the request.

    This function will request a new authentication token via HyperwalletAuthenticationTokenProvider if the current one is expired or is about to expire.



    public func listPrepaidCardBalances(prepaidCardToken: String,
                                        queryParam: HyperwalletPrepaidCardBalanceQueryParam? = nil,
                                        completion: @escaping (HyperwalletPageList<HyperwalletBalance>?,
                                                               HyperwalletErrorType?) -> Void)



    the prepaid card token


    the ordering and filtering criteria


    the callback handler of responses from the Hyperwallet platform